Lessons I learnt in 2020

Image Credit: Evie Shaffer

Well, 2020 has been a strange year. Harsh on some people, extremely good for some. But definitely not what we expected at the end of last year. To summarize: A 50nm invisible creature ruled over the lives of the ‘great’ Homo sapiens”.

However, life has its own way of teaching us lessons. What is important is that we learn from each of these experiences and move ahead. Here’s what I learnt :

1)Human Nature can never win against Mother Nature:

Before Pandemic-Everything seemed to be in our control. We were moving freely, polluting the air and rivers, clear blue skies were rare, fearful animals and birds were restricted to wherever humans left them space.

Then came the pandemic. Amazing to see, how things just turned around. Almost nothing was in our control, we had to lock ourselves in our homes in a state of fear, air became clearer, rivers and skies regained their natural beauty.

To put it simply, ‘It was nature healing itself from all that it had gone through. It was nature’s way of teaching us an important lesson, which might just help us survive , if learnt properly.’

2)Many unnecessary activities can be avoided:

During the 5 months of lockdown, we could not eat outside, go for a movie or go on a shopping spree to buy things mindlessly even when they are not needed. Now the fact that I am publishing this article, and you are reading it,should direct us to question our needs and priorities.

3)Every person around me is important:

This year gave me an opportunity to spend some extra time with my loved ones, just their presence felt like a privilege I have. The doctors, health care workers, scientists and all the people involved in the handling of the pandemic provided a sense of hope and security to all of us. But there were three people who we generally take for granted, and 2020 made me understand their importance. a)Farmer(ensured quality food production and supply of food)

b)Vegetable vendor(risked his life to come to our society to sell the essentials so that we didn’t have to risk ours)

c)Housemaid(only when I had to do what they do, did I realize how much value they add to our lives)

4)Life is really fragile, we should not waste our time on trivial matters:

Hollywood, Bollywood, Basketball, Football, Cricket. The world grieved the loss of legends belonging to the above mentioned industries. Many left us unexpectedly and at a premature age. We should make the most of our time we spend on this beautiful planet.

5) Importance of self-talk:

In this information-age, where we are constantly bombarded with loads of data, it is important that we mute everything and listen to our inner self. This helps us gain more clarity and helps us make sense of what is going on in our lives. The lockdown gave me this opportunity which otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten. And it is this self-talk which led me to take a major decision. A surprise for my family and even myself. More on this decision in my upcoming blog.

These were the 5 most important lessons I learnt this year. I would love to know and discuss what you learnt this year as well. Also, I believe in learning and improving myself constantly. Feel free to share your feedback at ghiyaronit@gmail.com. Thank you for reading this article!


  1. Priyanka says:

    Good to see our next generation is so thoughtful, expressive and has deep insight.. would love to read more posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cecilia Dsouza says:

    Admire the clarity and introspective way of your thinking at such a tender age.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronit Ghiya says:

      Thank you Ma’am! 🙂


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