Ravi had a decent job. The only person he loved and trusted was his wife. Both lived a normal middle-class life in their one bedroom flat. Ravi had to work hard, but managed to spend quality time with his beloved wife. However, he had different plans. Having lived in the ‘City of Dreams’-Bombay since his childhood, he longed for fame, glamour, luxury and attention.

He saw his life going nowhere in line with his dreams, so he decided to consult a local old man called ‘Baba’, who was known to have occult powers. “He will show you the path to your dreams”, said Mahesh, Ravi’s best friend to him. Blind in the pursuit for living his dreams, Ravi agreed. So, on the morning of 12th February, he visited Baba and opened his heart in front of him. After listening to Ravi, Baba closed his eyes and began chanting a mantra. Ravi was waiting patiently for a ‘life-changing’ advice. Few moments later of seemingly concentrated meditation, Baba said, “Child, you have not slept well since many days. Today, make it a point to be in bed exactly at 9:57pm. When you wake up tomorrow, you will live your dreams.” Although not convinced by the complexity of the idea, Ravi affirmed and decided to keep faith in Baba. Desperate to live his dreams, he finished all his work and made sure to be in bed on time. Lying on his hard cot, he thought,” From tomorrow things will be different. I will live my dreams. I shall be sleeping on a soft and comfortable mattress soon.”

Next morning, he woke up at 6 am. He checked his phone. It read ‘13th February, 6:01 am’. Ravi was in a happy mood. He was certain that his life will change. At about 7:00 am, he received an e-mail which went like this:

“Dear Mr. Ravi,

                        We are delighted to inform that you have been shortlisted for our reality show. Please visit our office for further details.


Recruitment Manager


His happiness knew no bounds. Soon he participated in the show and went on to win it. He received a cash prize of Rs. 10 crores. Not just that, the whole of India knew his name now. He became an overnight celebrity. He was always the center of attraction for the public from there on. He acquired a huge house and purchased luxury cars. His days were filled with media interviews and now barely had time for himself and his wife. However, he was now living his dreams. Few months passed; Ravi became busier. His patronage increased. Every step he took was under public scrutiny. He found it difficult to spend quality time with his wife. She was not happy with this routine and soon left him alone. Now, Ravi had ‘fame, glamour, luxury and attention’. But he had lost his wife and time they spent together. Stressed with his current lifestyle, he developed a severe habit of drinking. With no one to talk, he became depressed.  Now, he longed for only two things: “Time and his wife”.

Ravi decided to visit Baba, again. He pleaded,” Baba, I want my life back. I have lived my dreams. But I am tired of this life. Please make things as they were.” Baba replied,” Child, wish once granted cannot be undone. Only way to free yourself from this burden, is to leave this world. Only then will you find peace and solace.” Sad and troubled, Ravi left Baba’s hut. It was late at night and Ravi was the only being on the street. He was walking in the middle of the road. Suddenly, he heard honking of a huge truck coming towards him. He had a decision to make. He kept walking on the same path. He chose peace. There he was, lying on the ground with all of him covered in blood and his eyes closed.

When he opened his eyes next, he was in surroundings familiar to him. He could feel the hard cot on his back. His wife was there next to him. He checked the phone. It read ‘13th February,6:01 am.’


                                                                                                         -Ronit Ghiya

Image Credit: UM Today News

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