Notes from my teenage years!

A roller coaster ride. Yes, that is how I define the past six years of my life. Just before the ride begins, you are nervous yet excited to explore what is coming. During the journey, you experience almost everything: the up’s and down’s, the sharp curves and dramatic changes in speed. Some parts make you feel ‘WOW!’, but the others force you to question your decision to even take up the ride!🤣

No matter how you feel, stopping is not an option. You keep moving. The end however comes with a sense of achievement. All that you have gone through becomes worth it. With all that thrill you have experienced, other adventures become less scary and you are ready to take on anything. True for you too, isn’t it?

Well, my teenage life has taught me a multitude of things. I have definitely grown a lot as a person. So here I share my notes from this awesome phase of my existence:

(My favourite is the last one! 😁)

Note: No preaching intended. Just sharing…

1) It is not your job to impress EVERYONE!

2)It is okay to be different and weird(There is no need of fitting in with every group. Instead being yourself works wonders!)

3)Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, instead of comparing with others.

4)Rejections are a part of life.(This is what school doesn't teach. You cannot succeed every time. Ability to accept  rejections is a superpower!)

5)Never let others define 'you' for you. 

6)Be careful with your time!(On what and with whom matters!)

7)Friendships are important and play a crucial role in your growth

8)Seek validation from the right people

9)Have at least 1 person with whom you can share your stupidest of thoughts!(Trust me, this helps!)

10)Not everyone is your friend.(This realization happens only after a period of time. Enough parasites out there to suck your energy and resources.) Also, not everyone is your enemy!

11)Wisdom does not come from age, it comes from experiences that a person goes through in the process of aging.

12)Everyone's a protagonist in  their own story(We tend to exaggerate what we do and feel in situations and underestimate what others do and feel....Or the opposite???) 

13)Accepting your insecurities is important(Of course, working on them follows...)

14)It is not always a great idea to follow the majority.

15)We are our thoughts and actions(However, others only see our actions. Only we ourselves are aware of the intentions or thoughts behind the action)

16)Being in control of your emotions is the key!

17)Question everything!(Warning: Questioning does not mean discarding!)

18)To grow: unlearning is the first step.

19)Success is the RESULTANT of various FAILURE VECTORS.(Yes, I enjoy applying Math to Philosophy😂)

20)You are only as good as your last success.

21)Take responsibility for your actions

22)"He who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually right" - Confucius

23)Sky is not the limit; your brain is!

24)Thinking without execution and Execution without thinking are both dangerous.

25)Growth happens when you are uncomfortable in the right proportion(Seek Discomfort!-Yup, I am a part of the Yes Theory community.😉 )

26)Everyone is different. Just appreciate it.

27)Finding your Why is not an event, it is a process. Essential process nevertheless.

("He who has a WHY to live for can bear almost any how"-Friedrich Nietzsche)

28)Our brain has a problem. It tends to think in binary(0 and 1, good and bad, right and wrong)-there comes the poor computer science guy inside me😂. However, in reality things lie within a spectrum.

29) Context matters. Everything is contextual.(What's right in one situation might be totally wrong in another)

30)It's not always about being the best, being unique works.

31)What other people think of you is irrelevant and pointless.(Very very few people actually care about you. Others just want to be spectators and commentators.)

32)Laugh at your own jokes. Period. 

33)Love yourself. Genuinely.

34)Life is a video game. You are the player. Each level has its own set of challenges and excitement. At every level, the avatar needs to be upgraded. Similarly, identities should evolve. Values remain the same. 
(Cheat code: LEARN!)  

Thank you for reading this blog! What are your notes from your teenage? Would love to know!

Write to me at

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