Art and Entrepreneurship

What happens when two worlds collide?

Let’s explore…

Most entrepreneurs make money, but fail to find their souls.

Most artists find their souls, but fail to make any money.

Do you know the one mistake that both of them make? They think of entrepreneurship and art as two separate worlds.

Look, it is simple. For me, entrepreneurship is an art form. Why?

Because entrepreneurship is a big-vision act of creativity.

An entrepreneurial spirit combines thinking from different disciplines and approaches complex problems. It is driven by a willingness to experiment, fail and learn. Moreover, it demands the use of all senses when creating value. Is the artistic spirit any different?

Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible. So does entrepreneurship:  It gifts the world with solutions that it did not know exist.

If entrepreneurship can change the world, art is the hammer that can shape reality.

Think about this: What is an artist paid for?

The vision, not the labour. Likewise for an entrepreneur.

It is clear that art and entrepreneurship are two expressions of one shared desire: to leave the world a little different than you found it. Isn’t it?

So, what happens when the world of art and entrepreneurship collide?

Well, they give birth to another beautiful, unparalleled universe.

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