Writing and Flow State

There are times when the act of writing transforms into a seamless flow.

I’ve realized that this flow state in writing is directly tied to my willingness to let the ‘witness’ speak.

This witness is always active in the background.

Continuously collecting observations from both my internal as well as external world.

By observations, I do not mean mere thoughts or analysis of life.

Okay, so let me try to differentiate:

For me Observation = Thought + (silent) Insight.

At the moment of observation, I don’t really know what I have observed.

I just know that I have recorded something.

Think of the witness like a personal CCTV camera.

It is its job to record everything, without judgement or analysis.

It is during writing, that the witness finds a safe space to speak.

It is during writing, that I review and analyse the CCTV footage.

Coming back to this flow state during writing, it is pretty much like how a dam works.

Before the water reaches the dam, it is already in a state of flow.

This water can be from various sources like rivers, waterfalls, etc.

The dam does not really obstruct the flow.

When the time is right, the dam gates are opened and the water is allowed to flow again.

But this time, the flow is intentional. It has a sense of direction.

It has to reach a specific village, specific town, and be consumed for a specific task.

This flow of water is charged with energy and purpose.

Similarly, the purpose of writing is to charge the observations of the witness with intention, without actually disturbing the flow.

Writing is this temporary stop for the observations from various sources like my inner world, external events, scenery, conversations, books, podcast,etc.

Writing is where the observations meet the life force.

So, you don’t need to “create” or “achieve” a state of flow.

You need to “allow” a state of flow.

What do you think?

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