Why am I pausing freelancing?

I am looking for new roles at startups after freelancing for the last 6 months, here’s why:

Six months ago, I wanted to spend some time travelling and designing my lifestyle around it.

I did not want to completely disengage from work, so I decided to freelance while I travelled.

I learned a few things about freelancing and myself during this period:

Freelancing is great when you want to optimize for freedom of time and location.

Freelancing is best done when you want to zero in laser-sharp on one skill.

You can take on multiple projects of your interest, with people from all across the world.

As it is outcome-dependent, it has more monetary returns with respect to the time that you put in.

You can work when you want, wherever you want. But, it does have a cost.

And that cost is that you tend to think in only one dimension: Only thinking about how you will complete your part of the work and then move on.

All you are concerned about is getting your work done without seeing how this fits into the other aspects of the company’s vision.

It comes with this liberty to be “non-committed” towards the big vision.

As for me, I realized I don’t enjoy that for a long time.

I work best when I completely surrender to the vision of what I am building.

I love to eat, sleep, drink, and breathe the vision of what I am building.

This is when I am completely engaged, no matter the work.

I find joy in working alongside teams, all working on different things, but with a singular focus of a vision.

Perhaps, the best way to do it is to start something of my own. But I am in no hurry.

I still feel that I have got to learn a lot about the world.

I haven’t yet found a vision strong enough to pursue on my own.

So here I am, I have decided to start working full-time at startups again.

What roles am I looking for?

Any role that involves the implementation of zero-to-one growth projects which call for a multi-disciplinary approach, the ability to deal with uncertainty, overcome setbacks, and require the energy to iterate, rather than give up.

On to the next phase! Let’s go 🚀

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