Biggest Asset in Customer Success

My biggest lesson from working in customer success so far:

Every customer is unique.

Cliché, I know, but it’s something I’ve realized to the core.

Customers can face the same situation, but their reactions can be polar opposites.

Let’s consider this scenario:

Rahul places an online order for a really cool and trending board game. For some reason, the delivery gets delayed by 3 days.

Case 1:

Rahul is a casual gamer.

He comes across the product online while doom-scrolling and orders it to test it out.

When he comes to know about the delay, he is likely to remain nonchalant.

Case 2:

Rahul orders the game as a birthday gift for his best friend who loves board games.

Now, it’s this same Rahul who will express extreme frustration when he gets to know about the delay. Why wouldn’t he?

My biggest asset as a customer success manager is understanding the relationship between the product and the customer.

The more context I have about why a product is being bought and what it means to the customer, the better I’ll be able to serve my customers.

In the words of Dan Roam: “Whoever best describes the problem is the one most likely to solve it.”

Pic Credit: Manuel Medina

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