Product is more than ‘the product’

What is the best vacation you ever had? Just reflect on it for a moment. For some, it might be a visit to a foreign country, a new city, a village, mountains, or simply a stay at the grandparent’s place. Now, you must have thought about your travel, the location, the food, the people, theContinue reading “Product is more than ‘the product’”

Don’t Follow Your Passion

Everyone around is promoting ‘FOLLOW YOUR PASSION.’ The problem with this advice is: Not many people truly know what their passion is. And that’s okay. But… Here’s what I think is better advice: FOLLOW YOUR CURIOSITY. Everyone is curious about something. It’s impossible to not be curious about anything. Humans are hungry to understand theContinue reading “Don’t Follow Your Passion”

Competition is Collaboration in Disguise

‘COMPETITION IS COLLABORATION IN DISGUISE…’ ” Hmmm… 🤔 What are you trying to say, Ronit?Isn’t competition the enemy of collaboration? “ Well, I don’t think so. Let’s explore this together… It’s been 6 months since I entered the so-called ‘real’ world. Here’s my biggest realization : The world out there works on collaboration, not competition.Continue reading “Competition is Collaboration in Disguise”