Notes to my Younger Self: Part 2

To believe or not to believe; To seek or not to seek; Well, that’s the wrong question. Or rather an incomplete question. You see: Somedays you believe in God. Somedays you seek God. Somedays you believe in yourself. Somedays you seek yourself. It is only when you pause believing in yourself; That you truly seekContinue reading “Notes to my Younger Self: Part 2”

Writing and Flow State

There are times when the act of writing transforms into a seamless flow. I’ve realized that this flow state in writing is directly tied to my willingness to let the ‘witness’ speak. This witness is always active in the background. Continuously collecting observations from both my internal as well as external world. By observations, IContinue reading “Writing and Flow State”

Notes to my Younger Self: Part 1

You are entering a world of narratives. Everything. Everywhere. All is narrative. No one, absolutely no one knows what they are doing. Yes, that clueless teenager to the 80-year-old wise man. Both are different sides of the same coin. The only difference is that the wise old man has learnt to tell a good story.Continue reading “Notes to my Younger Self: Part 1”

All you have to do is “Live”

“My life? It’s just wake up, work, eat, sleep. Nothing special.” This is the usual theme during my initial consultations with clients for personal branding. And you’ll be surprised by how many people think of their life this way. I often encounter clients who believe their lives are ‘too mundane’ to be story-worthy. For them,Continue reading “All you have to do is “Live””

Method Acting and Ghostwriting

Lately, I’ve been deeply engrossed in the world of method acting. No, I’m not planning a career switch to acting. But there’s something else: After leaving my full-time job in October, I tried my hands at personal branding and ghostwriting. Initially, I was skeptical: “Do people genuinely need help to tell their stories? Can someoneContinue reading “Method Acting and Ghostwriting”