If the world was a garden…

A gardener is the one who believes in the seed even before it is sown. Once sown, the seed is watered everyday . It begins to grow steadily into a seedling, but this growth is invisible, it happens underground. Soon, it rises from the ground. The gardener is always there to nurture the plant. AsContinue reading “If the world was a garden…”

our first venture!!! Looking back at…

Pun intended 😁 Year 2020, month of March. Covid struck; Everything was shut(Poetic, isn’t it? 😂). Schools were conducted via Zoom. Like all other students, my sister too was attending online classes for 10th standard. Although this was working well, I soon realized that online mode did not offer a very important part of learning,Continue reading “our first venture!!! Looking back at…”

Notes from my teenage years!

A roller coaster ride. Yes, that is how I define the past six years of my life. Just before the ride begins, you are nervous yet excited to explore what is coming. During the journey, you experience almost everything: the up’s and down’s, the sharp curves and dramatic changes in speed. Some parts make youContinue reading “Notes from my teenage years!”

I failed….

Just in case any of you was worried reading the title of this blog, don’t worry. I am doing good. The title was only meant to attract your attention. Anyways, let’s get to what I want to talk about. Not long ago, a stray kitten ended up in our house. All members of the familyContinue reading “I failed….”


Ravi had a decent job. The only person he loved and trusted was his wife. Both lived a normal middle-class life in their one bedroom flat. Ravi had to work hard, but managed to spend quality time with his beloved wife. However, he had different plans. Having lived in the ‘City of Dreams’-Bombay since hisContinue reading “LIVING HIS DREAMS”

Lessons I learnt in 2020

Well, 2020 has been a strange year. Harsh on some people, extremely good for some. But definitely not what we expected at the end of last year. To summarize: “A 50nm invisible creature ruled over the lives of the ‘great’ Homo sapiens”. However, life has its own way of teaching us lessons. What is importantContinue reading “Lessons I learnt in 2020”